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Micheal & Michealah Scatto Mom ~ Happy Easter 2012, From the Scatto Family ~ April 6, 2012
^i^Caroline Scanlon's ~Nana~ Sending YOU...... April 5, 2012
Mary Hand Thinking of you and your Family.... April 4, 2012
Micheal & Michealah Scatto Mom ~ Spring 2012 ~ March 25, 2012
Micheal & Michealah Scatto Mom ~ St Patrick's Day 2012 ~ March 18, 2012
Colleen ~ Patrick Carroll Happy St. Patrick's Day! March 17, 2012
Mary Hand Thinking of you March 16, 2012
^i^Caroline Scanlon's ~Nana~ WISHING YOU........ March 15, 2012

     With LOVE from CAROLINE & her Nana!!
megan moore We love you!! March 11, 2012
Heres the tags to your balloons from your balloon release we did in Disney World for you and all your friends. We love u our Rain. You are always with us babygirl. Muahzzz

~Barbara~ ^i^Caroline's~Nana THINKING of YOU and...... February 14, 2012
Total Condolences: 665
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