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Rains Slide ShowsA little more Rain :)Angel Rain around th...Rains Balloon
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*RAIN* w love
Let's wait on the Lord with confidence & faith.He will take care of it all.Yannick(Patri ck Jay*Grand Mama)
Helena. Mum of Hannah Card.xx.
Sleep softly Angel, may the light from the Heavens surround you as you drift into a Heavenly sleep.xxxxx.
Elizabeth's Mommy
Have a good tim playing with Elizabeth, sweetheart! and take good care of each other until your mommys get there! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Hi sweetie Have a great day. Your baby sissy is watching the Shiny Show. Lots of hugs and kisses. Welove you always
mommy n dadddy
Good Morning our beautiful little munchkin! Happy Tuesday babygirl! Have the bestest day in Heaven with all the angel babies!LUV U
Mom to Angel Justin Lindley
The Most Beautiful Compensation Of Life Is Not Touched By Hands Rather Felt By Hearts. ♥
children of the whole world
Good night, dolcissima Rain. May you always be a lovely shining star in the life of your beloved. Sogni d'oro, piccolotta
Helena. Mum of Hannah Card.xx.
Your golden heart stopped beating your smiling eyes at rest god broke our hearts to prove to us he only takes the best.xx.
Baby Eli's Mommy!
Hello Babygirl, Thinking of you and your Sweet Family. Have a sweet day in paradise Little Cowgirl. Love you Rain!
mommy n daddy
Good Morning our precious babycakes! Happy Monday sweetie! We love you and miss u like crazy! Muahzzz
children of the whole world
Buona notte, piccolotta, may you always hold by hand your parents and your little sister. lots of kisses and hugs by all of us
This candle is lit with lots of love for you Rain, hugs and kisses. Always in our hearts, never far from our minds. xoxo
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