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LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
May your eternal light from God comfort you and bring you eternal peace, joy. Sending you all my love, thoughts and prayers. XOXO.
Helena. Mum of Hannah Card.xx.
An Angel in my garden said, dont be sad just raise your head, for I am in the clouds you see, watching for eternity.xxxxx.
PatrickJay*Grd Mama
God grant us the serenity to accept the things we cannot change;courage to change the things we can.*RAIN*
Louise-Grandma 2 Angie Robert
Keep smiling down on us..We may not see you but so many beautiful memories of you will always keep you alive..Never forgotten..
mommy n daddy
Good Morning our princess!Happy Tuesday! Have the bestest day in Heaven babygirl! Love u beautiful
Hi sweetie. have a great day. We miss u and love u.Lots of hugs and kisses
Good night piccola, lots of kisses and hugs on your way.
mommy n daddy
Good Morning princess! Happy Tuesday have a beautiful day in Heaven! We love you more n more every day baby!
Brittany Syfert's Grma Rose
Dearer still as the years depart, you will forever live in my heart.xoxo
Helena. Mum of Hannah Card.xx.
A raindrop upon a petal, a teardrop upon an eye. we will think of you now and forever, until we meet in that endless sky.
mom 2 Waylon Kitchens
"Giggles and curls, ribbons and bows- She's so adorable from her head to her toes!" ~HUGS~
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
O Lord please bring Rain Serenity into the light of your presence for eternity.Sending my love for eternal peace,happiness, glory.
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