Good Morning loves! Happy Friday! Have the bestest day. Mommy n Daddy are getting everything ready for your Summer Fun Day nextSat
07/14/2011 children
Buona notte, dolce RAIN
07/14/2011 waylons mom
Have a lovely Thursday night, angel. xoxo
07/14/2011 PatrickJay*Grd Mama
I see u in every flower,in every gentle shower,in the breath of wind,so I know that u live again where all is peace & light
07/14/2011 MOMMY N DADDY
Good morning sweet love! Happy Thursday!! Today your sissy is getting her first haircut :) We love u babygirl.
07/13/2011 Mary~Nicholas Hands Mom~
Love endures all
07/13/2011 Mary~Nicholas Hands Mom~
You've stepped across to heavens shore and we are but a breath behind holding dear the truth that all that bound us close on earth binds us still for love endures all.
07/13/2011 mommy n daddy
Good Morning beautiful! Thinking of you always our love! We miss u like crazy! Were comming to your special spot NOW :) Love u
07/13/2011 LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
May God's faithful angels and Saints always keep you at peace and gloriously happy and guide you alongside their journeys.XO
07/13/2011 mommy n daddy
We love u our Rain!! Goodnight babycakes! Muahz
07/12/2011 children
Goodnight, dolce Rain
07/12/2011 mommy n daddy
Good Morning sweetie! Happy Tuesday! Have a beautiful day in Heaven with all your angel friends lovey! We love u