Balloon release also for Rain and all angel families
This memorial website was created to commemorate the life of our Beautiful angel Rain Serenity Arizola who was born on October 20, 2007 and returned to Heaven on October 20, 2007.
Easter 2018
Rains Special Spot...Happy News Years 2018
Snow Day with the babies
2 weeks after Rains 10th Birthday we did her Sweet Sweet Day because Mommy wasn't happy with the selection of her Birthday desserts so pretty much birthday #2 :)
Rains 10th Birthday
Our Candles lit for our angel babies for Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day 10-15-2017
My Loves
Happy Easter our Beautiful Rain!
Rains Bubble Party 2017
Serenity,Rain,and Wisdom! Sissys for life! A bond you cant break no matter the distance.
Rains Special Spot.
We had a surprise little birthday picnic for Serenity at Rains Special Spot.
Rains Special Spot 2017!
Rains Balloon Day :) Babygirl got her balloons!!
Rains 9th Birthday
Babygirl loves her Cowboys!!
Rain Hosted Itty Bittys 2nd Teddy Bear Picnic on his angel day! Great Big Sissy!!
Rain and Itty Bittys 4th of July in New Mexico 2016!! We love you our angel babies!
Our Family Picture with our Itty Bitty and Rain Included!!
Thank you Jennifer Requena for these pictures of us ALL!!
Babygirls Special Spot for th 4th of July
Mothers Day at Rains Special Spot
We always love to do act of kindness in loving memory of Rain and Itty Bitty especially during their special months and as many of you know Valentines is Rains Special Day. We made cupcakes and brought pizza to those awesome firefighters...they were amazing!! We also made goodie plates for the workers at Rains! We have more aok on its way :) We love you our angel babies.
Rains Special Spot for Valentines 2016
Christmas 2015 at Rains Special Spot!
Serenity made this picture for Rain and Itty Bitty on their remembrance day :)
Mothers Day 2015
Mommys letter to Rain
Im so happy!!! Rains Molly Bear came in Yesterday!!! Shes Beautiful!!!
Rain on New Years Eve Chillen in Disney World!
Rains Halloween 2014
Rains Family Dessert and Presents :) Its her cake!! This cake is pretty much the only thing babygirl kept down. She is our chocolate babygirl.
Sissy was wearing all your stuff to school on your birthday!! Serenity love you to pieces babygirl. Sisters 4 life!
Our first trip on your birthday Morning we brought your 7 and your birthday Flag!
Rains 7th Birthday Party
Rains Chicago and New Mexico Picnic :)
Rains Summer Fun Day 2014
We grilled Hotdogs with our Rain for National Hot dog day. We also had bubbles and books!!
Rains Special Spot 7/16/2014
Serenity has been wanting to do Sissys Special Spot in Sofia since her recital :) We did it and Serenity gave Rain her recital flowers too!! Best sissys ever
Thank you Rosanna for bringing our Angel Rain to Italy with you ♥
I got a card in the mail today. I love getting letters that people found the balloons. This one is Elis :) I really cant tell when this is from its been a while since we released any so that saids something ♥♥♥AMAZING Such kind people.
Christmas 2013
♥Rains Special Spot Decorated for Christmas 2013♥
Rains sticker we put on the plates we gave away the day before Thanksgiving ♥ We got 24 plates this year yeaa!!!
Rains Special Spot on Thanksgiving with her present Daddy gave her for Thanksgiving.(The Cowboys Flag)
Rains Candle for Oct 15th
Tru by sissys sign ♥ at the Walk to Remember 10-12-2013
The bird bath the tidbits made their sissy before we went to Disney :) They love their sissy.
Her Tink Flowers :)
Our picnic with Rain to bring her her goodies from Disney World we did it Mickey Style.
Rains Crown we got from Epcot with her Birthstone.
Rains Tshirt and Crown that go in her room
Rains Disney Goodies for her Special Spot
I got a letter today and it was from a very sweet lady and her husband who found Avas balloon :) Im soo happy its been forever since someone has found a balloon we have released for the babies!! ♥
Rains Lollipop from her Summer Fun Day :)
There was a butterfly release yesterday 4/13/12 with TCF at the Japanese Tea Garden and here is the butterfly we released for our Beautiful babygirl. ♥
Here is the butterfly when it took off
Serenity and Tru waiting to release the butterfly for sissy
Tru pointing to sissy on his shirt ♥
Rain got her star :) We are soo happy!! Heres the link!!
Thank you soo much to Rosanna for sending this personalized Birthday Chocolate for my Rain ♥
Thank you to my brother Christian who sent Rain these Birthday Balloons :)
So....I have been trying to find a good slide show site and one that worked for about 2 weeks now...(slide.com is no longer doing slideshows) and well I have had sooo much trouble so this one I could post here and its getting the job done so here it is its not how I would like it but Im just soo happy her slide show is finally one hehe :)
Rains not so new Baby Brother Tru is here he was born September 28th 2010! Thank you Rain for always watching over him and your sissy! We love u babygirl now and always! :)
Heres Rains Tree we planted for her on her summer fun day :)
This BEAUTIFUL frame Rosanna made
for sissys 1st Birthday but you see
your like the main part of it also :) I love you! Thank you so much Rosanna
Heres a link to a page I made about how I lost my babygirl and about ICP...check it out if you get a chance and please please if you itch during pregnancy without a rash take it seriously and go right to your DR.
For my birthday we did an angel babies party and we made cupcakes with their names and we did a balloon release....we had tags with all the babies names and a message so incase they got found. We wanted to release them all at Rains Spot..but when we got their we tied the first dozen to her flag stand where we always hang her balloons but before we could do anything to them My Rain decided she wanted them all hehe we looked and they were gone...so we only released one dz at her spot then that night we did the rest at our house...then at my birthday party we released another 16 balloons!! My Rain loves her sweets so thats why we did cupcakes too....they didnt come out to pretty though hehe :) I hope they all got their balloons!!!
Another balloon was found babygirl and heres the note the sweet lady sent!
To : The Arizola Family ,
This was found by my husband on August 31, 2009, hanging from a tree. He was at his deer lease in Bergheim, Texas.
In honor of you family , we are returning this to you as wished !!
May God Bless you and your family…. (and extended angels!) J !
Hopes this makes your day!
This has made me cry and smile , I will always remember this !
Don't Cry
Daddy, please don't look so sad,
Mama please don't cry~
"Cause I am in the arms of Jesus
and He sings me lullabies."
Please, try not to question God,
Don't think he is unkind
Don't think He sent me to you,
and then He changed his mind.
You see, I am a special child,
and I'm needed up above
I'm the special gift you gave Him,
the product of your love.
I'll always be there with you
and watch the sky at night,
Find the brightest star that's gleaming,
That's my halo's brilliant light.
You'll see me in the morning frost,
that mists your window pane.
That's me in the summer showers,
I'll be dancing in the rain.
When you feel a little breeze,
from a gentle wind that blows
That's me, I'll be there,
planting a kiss on your nose.
When you see a child playing,
and your heart feels a little tug,
That's me, I'll be there,
giving your heart a hug.
So Daddy, please don't look so sad,
Mama don't your cry.
I'm in the arms of Jesus
and He sings me lullabies.
Walk With You Mummy
I walk with you my mommy dear,
I'm always with you, always near.
Just look behind as steps you take,
And see my footprints that I make.
They're in your heart when you're asleep,
You feel me kicking when you weep?
I walk with you when you are sad,
But I am happiest when you're glad.
I'm never far away from you,
I'm here in everything you do.
I walk with you if you're in pain,
I steady and help you up again.
And when on earth God calls you high,
I'll light the way mommy, to His sky.
God says I'm a gift mom, purer than gold,
He sent me to love you until you grow old.
You're blessed with an angel from Him above,
You gave me life, and we give you love.
I walk with you for eternity,
I am your angel, mommy look at me!
This is Rains room...we never really could go in there we would go in every now and then just to look but we could never stay in there long enough to take pics.....we are letting Rains sissy use her room because we know Rain would want that :) So we took pics of how everything was...nothing was touched since Oct 19th 2007 the last time we were all in there fixing everything up for our babycakes. We love you Rain! Our babygirl now and always!
This was done by Sam and Carly Dudley their website is http://namesinthesand.blogspot.com/ go to it and they will write your babys name in the sand :)
Our Candles for Rain and all the other angel babies on Oct.15th!
Karissa White |
Karissa white |
Here is a picture of the angel cookies that sorounded L
Krsti... Kody's Mommy forever |